Mount Kenya Hiking, Climbing, Trekking Safaris
Mount Kenya, is an extinct volcano located in central part of Kenya, slightly south of the equator. At an elevation of 5,199 m (17,057 ft) above sea level, Mount Kenya is the seconnd highest mountain in Africa, after Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
Mount Kenya was created by enormous, subsequent volcanic eruptions about 2.5 million to 3 million years ago. Originally, Mount Kenya had a summit crater, whose cone has been eroded with time leaving a string of snow and glaciated peaks, with frozen lakes dotting its valleys. Climbing Routes to mount Kenya are:-
Mt. Kenya Sirimon Out Chogoria
While on a Mount Kenya Hiking, Climbing, Trekking Safaris you can use several routes, two of the most common include;

Naro Moru is the fastest route to Point Lenana. It is also among the steepest routes and hikers should take extra care when using this route. Trekking upwards to the Mackinders Camp via the Teleki Valley offers splendid views of the Batian and Nelion peaks. A steep section called the "vertical bog" is crossed around midway to Mackinders Hut and a stopover here is advisable. The accommodation here is good with bunkhouses at Met Station and Mackinder's camp.
See: 6 days Climbing Mount Kenya up Naro Moru out Chogoria Route - Mount Kenya Climbing Safari

This ascent treks via the dry and less used Sirimon Trail and descends via the scenic Chogoria Trail. You attain point Lenana (4985 m), the highest point reachable by trekers, and go back to base in 5 days. Being the second highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kenya dots a rainforest zone, abundant with many tree species and wildlife too above the habitable altitude. Further up is open moorland, and beyond is the snow-line where vegetation is thin.
See: 6 Days Mount Kenya Climbing, Trekking, Hiking - Up Sirimon out Chogoria route

See also
Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing Safaris